What bad habits in daily life can affect hearing?

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According to the 2013 report of the World Health Organization, there are 360 ​​million hearing-impaired people in the world, accounting for 5.3% of the total global population. 50% of hearing disabilities can be prevented and avoided through primary ear care. Primary ear health care is the most basic, economical and effective means and way to prevent hearing disability.

What bad habits in daily life will affect hearing?

1. Wear headphones when taking the subway or bus. The environment on the bus or subway is noisy. To hear the sound in the earphones clearly, you usually turn up the volume. Doing so for a long time can damage your hearing.

2. Wear headphones when sleeping. If you sleep with headphones on, your ears will still be irritated, which can easily damage your hearing.

3. “Talking on the phone”. Answer phone calls frequently or for long periods of time.

4. Frequently go to KTV and other high-decibel places. Even short stays in these high-decibel locations can cause hearing damage.

5. Emotional and nervous. The most obvious example is a quarrel. Whether it is a conflict within the family or between colleagues, once a dispute breaks out, anger may lead to tinnitus or worse. In addition, long-term mental stress and being in a depressed and unhappy environment can lead to insomnia, and over time can also cause damage to the auditory nerve.

6. Often use hard objects to pick out the ears. Using ear picks, toothpicks and other hard objects to pick out the ears can easily damage the skin of the ear canal and even the eardrum.

7. Unreasonable diet, smoking and drinking, excessive anxiety, fatigue, bad mood, not participating in physical exercise, and not actively preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases will accelerate the occurrence of presbycusis.

8. Overtired and stressed. When a person is highly stressed, the blood vessels in the ears constrict, causing ischemia and hypoxia, and may even cause deafness.
                                9. Blowing your nose incorrectly. If you use your fingers to pinch both sides of your nose and blow it, the pressure may be too great and the mucus may travel to your ears and throat, causing irritation.Perforation of tympanic membrane.

10. Aminoglycoside antibiotics are ototoxic to a very small number of people, such as streptomycin, gentamicin, amikacin, etc. These antibiotics are used in the treatment of certain bacterial infections. It is necessary and effective, but when tinnitus or hearing loss occurs while taking the medication, the medication needs to be stopped in time. Infants and young children should choose non-aminoglycoside drugs when possible, and it is best to ask the parents or elders of the child if they have any history of drug poisoning hearing. If so, try to avoid the use of such antibiotics.

11. Stay up late. Today's young people are all "head-down mobile phone users". "Good luck, let's eat chicken tonight" is a popular saying in a game. In order to be able to eat chicken, it has become commonplace for many players to stay up late playing games! Studies have found that people who often stay up late are at risk of tinnitus, dizziness, and hearing loss. Staying up late and putting the body in a state of fatigue will hinder the blood supply to the inner ear, which can easily lead to sudden deafness once exposed to external stimulation.

The above living habits can cause hearing damage. Unfortunately, many people do not know it and even do it every day. I hope that after reading this article, you can try to change these habits. , protect ears, protect hearing.

Recommendation: Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seafood and other foods rich in trace elements, and eat less fatty meats, sweets, fried foods and other high-fat foods. Fatty, high-calorie foods, and exercise. People with high blood pressure, diabetes, and dyslipidemia should be actively treated.