What is the reason for frequent poor hearing?

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In daily life, poor hearing will bring a lot of inconvenience to life. It will seriously affect one's emotions, mentality, and even lead to mental problems. Therefore, we must pay attention to the adverse effects of hearing loss in people's lives.

What is the reason for frequent poor hearing?

The early manifestations are mainly persistent high-pitched tinnitus, such as cicadas. Over time, hearing gradually weakens or even is lost. If tinnitus is accompanied by symptoms such as hearing loss, headache, dizziness, unsteady walking, facial twitching, facial paresthesia, nausea and vomiting, etc., medical examination, investigation and diagnosis should be carried out in a timely manner to achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.

Patients’ poor hearing mainly includes the following problems:

1. Congenital, affected by genetic factors, the patient may carry the deafness gene.

2. Long-term noise intrusion. Whether it is the sound of machines operating or honking horns, noisy and disorderly sounds can damage the eardrums. In life, you should try to avoid long-term exposure to noisy environments, such as the sound of firecrackers or the roar of machine tools. If you are forced to come into contact, you must take protective measures.

3. The main consideration is that there is a conduction problem in the patient's ear canal, such as a large amount of cerumen blocking the external auditory canal or granulation formation in the ear canal, or even cholesteatoma, Cysts in the external auditory canal can also cause hearing loss in patients.

4. Ototoxic drugs. Many antibiotics in life can cause irreversible hearing damage if used improperly. People born in the 1950s and 1960s all used gentamicin and streptomycin. They are ototoxic drugs that can seriously damage hearing and even cause deafness.

5. The main consideration is neurological problems. Patients may also experience hearing loss due to insufficient neurotrophic supply as they age. No matter which of the above reasons causes the patient's hearing loss, he must go to the hospital for a detailed examination to clarify the specific degree of hearing and then actively treat the symptoms.

6. Improper use of ears. Nowadays, young people like to turn up the speakers very loudly when listening to music.Listening to MP3 or MP4 with headphones for a long time can cause damage to your eardrums. According to standards, sounds exceeding 80 decibels for a long time are considered noise, whether it is music or other types of sounds, and are not good for the ears.

7. Emotional and nervous. The most obvious example is a quarrel. Whether it is a conflict within the family or between colleagues, once a dispute breaks out, anger may lead to tinnitus or worse. In addition, long-term mental stress and being in a depressed and unhappy environment can lead to insomnia, and over time can also cause damage to the auditory nerve.

Poor hearing is relatively common among people. If the hearing loss occurs for a short time, you can go to the hospital for an ear examination. If the external auditory canal is blocked by cerumen, Caused by cleaning the external auditory canal, hearing can be restored. If it is diagnosed as being caused by neurological deafness, the blood supply to the inner ear and neurotrophic treatment can be improved symptomatically. After systematic treatment, hearing can be improved. However, if you are older, have a history of high blood pressure or diabetes for many years, and have a long history of poor hearing, you can go to a hearing aid fitting center to wear a hearing aid to improve your hearing. If the hearing loss is extremely severe and the effect of hearing aids is not good, cochlear implant surgery can be performed under general anesthesia, and hearing rehabilitation training can be performed after the operation, which has a better effect on hearing recovery.