Is there a relationship between tinnitus and blood pressure?

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The definition of tinnitus refers to the abnormal sound sensation when there is no external stimulation, which is a precursor to deafness. However, the occurrence of tinnitus is related to many factors, not necessarily ear diseases, but also psychological reasons or systemic factors. Excessive Tinnitus may occur due to fatigue, lack of sleep, emotional anxiety, etc. The disease of the ear itself can cause tinnitus, and high blood pressure can also cause tinnitus. Patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to preventing other complications and actively treat them.

Is there a relationship between tinnitus and blood pressure?

There is a certain connection between high blood pressure and tinnitus. Hypertensive patients with tinnitus need to monitor their blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause tinnitus due to increased brain pressure. Hypertensive patients must take antihypertensive drugs for life, pay attention to the stability of blood pressure, pay attention to dietary adjustments, and try to eat as little high-fat food as possible.

There is a certain relationship between high blood pressure and tinnitus. Among the clinical symptoms, patients with hypertension may experience dizziness, headache and tinnitus. Tinnitus caused by high blood pressure is related to arteriosclerosis in the small blood vessels in the ear. If obvious tinnitus occurs, blood pressure should be monitored and found to be higher than the normal range, that is, systolic blood pressure is greater than 140mmHg, or diastolic blood pressure is greater than 90mmHg. Antihypertensive treatment should be used and attention should be paid to monitoring the improvement of tinnitus symptoms. However, high blood pressure is only one cause of tinnitus. There are other causes of tinnitus, and patients should undergo a comprehensive examination to identify them.

To prevent the occurrence of tinnitus caused by high blood pressure, patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to reducing greasy food, avoid being overly angry, not talking loudly, and not going to overly noisy places. Place, maintain a peaceful and comfortable mood, and actively use antihypertensive drugs to control elevated blood pressure. Many common middle-aged and elderly diseases are related to tinnitus, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Blood pressure and blood sugar levels should be actively controlled. Malnourished elderly people or people with anemia should pay attention to nutritional supplements to improve anemia. It is best to seek medical examination in time for the specific cause of tinnitus. After the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment will be more targeted.

Many patients with high blood pressure are accompanied by symptoms of deafness and tinnitus. This shows that high blood pressure has affected the internal blood supply of the ears. Insufficient blood supply has led to the degeneration of the nervous system of the ears, affecting hearing. Patients with high blood pressure must receive timely treatment, otherwise insufficient blood supply will affect other organs and tissues.

  Active treatment of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cerebral arteriosclerosis and diabetes is very important to prevent microcirculation disorders and delay the rate of hearing loss in the elderly. At the same time, in terms of diet, patients should also pay attention to eating less high-fat foods, especially animal offal, and eat more foods with lipid-lowering effects, such as soybeans, mushrooms, garlic, onions, deep-sea fish, nuts, etc. In daily life, pay attention to taking good care of your ears and hearing, and try to minimize the interference of noise on your hearing. Do not dig your ears with earpicks, etc., and avoid external stimulation.

To protect hearing, we must start from every step in our daily life. For example, try to avoid staying up late, pay attention to noise prevention, maintain a good mental state, don't pick your ears, don't use headphones for too long, etc.