How can I help myself hear clearly if I am deaf?

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Deafness is a common name for being unable to hear or hearing clearly. Technically speaking, we can call it hearing loss. Because many people don't pay much attention to ear hygiene, they find that their hearing is getting worse over time, and in severe cases, they can even lose hearing at all. At this time, everyone is very anxious, living in a silent world. Being deaf is a very painful thing.

How can you make yourself hear clearly if you are deaf?

Hearing aids can be used for deafness. Hearing aids can help you hear sounds. Deafness is related to otitis media. If otitis media occurs for a long time, it may lead to the symptoms of deafness. If it is mild, you can use a hearing aid. If it is more serious, you can use hearing aids. , it needs to be treated by surgery. Try to go to the hospital for examination and symptomatic treatment.

It is necessary to choose a hearing aid if you have hearing loss in one ear

Many patients are resistant to hearing aids. In addition to financial conditions, there are also psychological reasons. When unilateral hearing loss occurs, the ability to communicate will be greatly compromised when the normal-hearing ear or the better-hearing ear is exposed to a noisy environment. Therefore, once the patient's hearing condition stabilizes, he should still consider wearing hearing aids. The more expensive the better, the better. You should go to a professional place to get hearing aids fitted. Do not just buy one at random. It should be different for each person, taking into account the principles of easy maintenance and comfortable wearing. For example, very small deep-ear canal hearing aids are not suitable for elderly people with limited mobility and poor vision.

Depending on the type of hearing loss, the effect of wearing a hearing aid will also be different. Many people think that the smaller the hearing loss, the better the hearing aid effect. In fact, this is not the case. In this way, the best hearing aid effect is in the middle category. Patients with moderate hearing loss have the best hearing aid effect compared to those with severe and mild hearing loss.

How to prevent hearing loss

1. Avoid all kinds of noise. Being exposed to noisy environment for a long time can easily lead to hearing aging. If you create a quieter working, studying and living environment, you can reduce the negative impact of noise on hearing.

2. Avoid acting out. Excessive mood swings can cause spasm and contraction of capillaries throughout the body, causing a serious slowdown of blood flow in the auditory vessels of the inner ear., microcirculation disorder occurs, resulting in hypoxia of the auditory nerve in the inner ear, leading to sudden deafness.

3. Avoid picking your ears randomly. Do not use unclean small wooden sticks, hairpins, etc. to pick your ears to relieve itching, to prevent damage to the tympanic membrane deep in the ear canal, causing traumatic tympanic membrane perforation, suppurative otitis media and other pathological changes, resulting in varying degrees of hearing loss.

4. Avoid using ototoxic drugs. Such as streptomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, neomycin, quinine and its derivatives, etc., to avoid drug-toxic deafness. These drugs are especially prohibited for infants and young children.

5. Avoid the influence of high pressure around the ears. For example, when participating in sports such as swimming and diving, be careful not to let your ears touch the water first; when setting off firecrackers, stay 3 meters away from the scene or cover your ears with your hands; do not hit people's ears with your palms, etc. All of these are to protect the inner tympanic membrane from being stimulated by air pressure and causing traumatic deafness.

6. Eat less high-fat foods. Excessive cholesterol concentration in the blood causes atherosclerosis in the blood vessel walls. Arteriosclerosis reduces the blood supply to the inner ear and causes malnutrition of the auditory organs, leading to hearing loss or deafness.

7. Actively treat colds. Because colds can affect the ventilation of the Eustachian tube (the tube from the pharynx to the middle ear cavity). In addition, if you blow your nose too hard and improperly, the germs in the nose may accidentally enter the middle ear cavity, easily causing middle ear suppuration and infection, and affecting hearing.