What are the symptoms of hearing loss?

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Once hearing loss occurs, it will have a huge impact on everyone's daily life and work. If hearing loss occurs in children, the most direct impact is on the child's speech ability.

What are the symptoms of hearing loss?

The main symptoms of hearing loss are that the patient has difficulty listening to sounds and feels that the sounds are distant. Moreover, the patient himself speaks loudly and is often afraid that others will not be able to hear him. I often turn sideways to listen to sounds.

The symptoms of hearing loss are that your hearing is no longer as good as before. Sometimes you cannot hear what others are saying. You have to speak loudly to be heard; others speak softly and cannot be heard. Hearing loss is suspected to be caused by mental factors, mental stimulation, fatigue, heat, stress, or inflammation, earwax blockage and external auditory canal tumors. You need to go to the hospital for an examination at the ENT department to see if the hearing loss has occurred. Causes and symptomatic treatment. If you have any uncomfortable symptoms, it is better to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Hearing loss will affect the patient's communication with others. Over time, the patient will become withdrawn and have a slow auditory response. Slow thinking of the brain affects the overall balanced development of the central nervous system. The hearing becomes slower and the verbal expression ability drops sharply. In severe cases, it increases the risk of depression. For children, hearing loss will delay their speech and intellectual development and affect their normal learning and life.

What should I do if I find hearing loss?

Regardless of the degree of hearing loss, effective clinical treatment or rehabilitation intervention measures should be taken early to reduce the impact of hearing loss as much as possible.

Everyone has heard that use it or lose it. When our auditory organs cannot hear normally due to various reasons,The auditory nerve and auditory center will also receive less and less sound stimulation. In the long run, the ability to process sounds will be weakened, further leading to a decrease in speech recognition rate. By wearing hearing aids in time, the auditory nerve and auditory center can receive sound stimulation, stay active, and avoid functional degradation. In addition, when hearing loss is irreversible, hearing aids can also be used to compensate and improve listening.

In short, once you find that you or someone around you has hearing loss, you must pay attention and make timely discoveries. , timely intervention and timely treatment, so that our residual hearing can be well protected, and the effect will be much better.