How to improve the listening environment for hearing-impaired children?

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In life, some hearing-impaired children cannot understand what others say, and some are like a little parrot. They will only imitate what others say repeatedly without understanding the meaning. Some children cannot understand the language of teachers and classmates after attending regular classes, cannot communicate, and cannot keep up with their studies.

How to improve the hearing environment of children with hearing loss?

It is very difficult for babies with hearing impairment to hear and understand your language in a noisy environment. Providing a good listening environment for your child is the first thing you should do when teaching your child to learn language.

It is very difficult for babies with hearing impairment to hear and understand your language in a noisy environment. Providing a good environment for your child is the first thing you should do when teaching your child. You should do this:

Turn off all interfering sound sources that may affect the child's hearing, such as televisions, semiconductors, etc., and ensure that conversations are conducted in a quiet environment; sit as close to the child as possible and keep the conversation distance at It is ideal to be within 1 to 2 meters; stick to the side of the child's ear that has the best hearing loss effect; if you are talking face to face, you must face the light source and ensure that your mouth is in line with the child's line of sight In the same horizontal direction, let him see your mouth shape clearly; if you need to watch TV and talk at the same time, you may wish to borrow your child's hearing aid first and listen to the sound effects of the TV to adjust the volume of the TV Or the distance between the child and the TV should be such that it is easier for the child to hear your conversation.

Research shows that hearing loss not only affects children’s hearing and speech development, but also has far-reaching consequences for their physical and psychological development, learning and cognitive development, and social and emotional development. Influence.

Faced with hearing loss in children, we need to start from three levels, namely ‘early, accurate and stable’. First of all, we must pay attention to children's hearing problems and achieve early detection and diagnosis, which is the prerequisite for effective intervention; secondly, we must accurately select intervention methods. Hearing aids must be suitable for children's language development, social skills and psychological and emotional development. It is necessary to ensure that as many sounds as possible are heard, especially the clarity of speech, but also to avoid the danger of over-amplification and excessive distortion of sound quality. At the same time, the noise reduction, the convenience of connecting auxiliary devices, and the comfort and safety of wearing should take into account the needs of children. Finally, we must constantly adjust our mentality, face it positively, follow up regularly, and steadily achieve the set goals. ”

Try to avoid sources of noise pollution in life, and choose doors and windows with better sealing to reduce hearing damage caused by noise pollution. Hearing impairment will seriously affect the normal life of children. It will also affect the child's learning ability. Hearing loss will cause serious damage to the child's psychology and may even easily lead to mental illness.