What should teenagers do if their hearing is not good?

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Some people like to go to noisy places, and some people like to turn the volume up to the maximum when listening to music. Little do they know that these habits are damaging your hearing.

What should teenagers do if their hearing is not good?

If you have hearing problems, you must go to a regular hospital for testing. If it cannot be treated, go to a professional hearing aid fitting place to choose a suitable hearing aid. For people with poor hearing, it is still recommended to wear hearing aids as soon as possible. Don’t miss every sound in the world. Hearing aids can help us improve and improve our hearing. They cannot restore hearing. Once you get used to wearing hearing aids, they will feel like wearing glasses. If you take it off, you will find that your hearing gradually decreases. If you don't wear it, you can't hear. If you wear it, it will become an indispensable part of your life!

It cannot be ruled out that it is caused by ischemia and hypoxia in the blood vessels of the inner ear. We usually adopt blood circulation and blood circulation, dilation of blood vessels, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, etc., and take time to a hospital for further examination. Rule out other diseases causing problems. Trying to avoid or reduce noise interference is the first step to protect hearing. Pay attention to medication. The use of ototoxic drugs should be avoided as much as possible.

Wearing headphones to listen to music for a long time often causes hearing loss in young people’s ears. Hearing function can only be improved by reducing overreliance on and time spent on headphones. Do not use headphones to listen to music in a noisy environment, otherwise it will cause serious hearing loss. If you must use a mobile phone, tablet, etc., it is recommended to reduce the volume of the electronic device as much as possible. In an environment with loud noise, you can use earplugs or cotton balls to plug your ears to protect your hearing. In daily life, try to eat less irritating and spicy foods, such as peppers, garlic, ginger, coffee, etc., and do less strenuous exercise. You can jog or walk, and develop a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early to have a regular schedule.

Caused by secretory otitis media. Deafness and tympanic effusion will occur in secretory otitis media. If a teenager has hearing loss, it is recommended that the patient undergo a hearing and acoustic impedance test. At the same time, a nasopharyngeal examination is required to rule out Eustachian tube dysfunction caused by nasopharyngeal diseases. After the disease is eliminated, middle ear ventilation and drainage need to be improved to clear the middle ear effusion. Nasal spray of Nesona can improve the edema of the Eustachian tube mucosa, which is beneficial to middle ear ventilation and drainage. Oral administration of eucalyptus, limonepine and middle ear effusion can be used to improve middle ear effusion.

If the hearing loss cannot be recovered after conservative treatment, surgery can be used, such as tympanic membrane puncture and tympanic membrane incision and drainage.Hearing can generally be restored after the fluid is removed.

Eat less irritating and spicy foods (for example: ginger, garlic, pepper, etc.). Do less strenuous exercise, keep your work and rest schedule regular, stay up less late, get enough rest, go to bed early and get up early. Stay in a good mood, be cheerful, and drink more warm drinks.

The most important thing is to reduce the time you use headphones and change your dependence on them. Especially in noisy environments, avoid listening to music. Avoid using louder sounds to irritate your eardrums and damage your hearing. Don't habitually wear headphones when you are alone, whether walking or riding in a car. Many people sometimes wear headphones without playing music for the sake of psychological security. We must know that our ears help us conduct information around us. We must let our ears play a normal role of hearing in all directions, and do not let them idle and weaken their role. This also brings unsafe factors to itself. Noise-induced deafness caused by long-term use of headphones is often not easy to detect. By the time it is discovered, it is usually already in the middle and late stages. It is basically impossible to treat and can only be assisted by wearing a hearing aid.