What should I do if the elderly cannot hear clearly and the volume is too loud?

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As people age, hearing loss in the ears will decline, and in severe cases, it may even lead to complete loss. The human auditory nerve is like a telephone wire, with many fibers inside and a layer of myelin surrounding it. As we age, the myelin sheath will be damaged and lost, which will affect the function of the auditory nerve and cause hearing loss. As a result, the elderly often interrupt when talking, often only hearing the sound but not understanding the meaning. These are the biggest characteristics of presbycusis.

What should I do if the elderly cannot hear clearly and find the volume too loud?

This is a revitalization phenomenon caused by long-term poor hearing. It is recommended to wear hearing aids in time for intervention. Because the old man has hearing loss, but he is not deaf in the true sense as you said. A deaf person cannot hear any sound. It is just that she has a certain frequency point that is relatively poor. She cannot hear people's speech very clearly, but she is aware of the sound. Sensitivity is not completely lost.

When this happens to the elderly, it is usually sensorineural deafness. Elderly people at this stage can hear, but cannot hear clearly. Most of them are due to the loss of outer hair cells and the consequent decrease in peripheral hearing and frequency selection abilities, which leads to auditory processing distortion, and finally causes certain obstacles in speech recognition and understanding in elderly hearing loss patients; it is recommended that the elderly undergo binaural testing. Hearing aids are equipped with hearing aids, which are debugged and tried on by practitioners to achieve better results.

Presbycusis refers to hearing loss caused by the gradual decline of auditory function with age. Studies have shown that the incidence of presbycusis among the elderly is as high as 30% to 60%, and the number of patients is increasing year by year. Due to the large base of the affected population and the high incidence rate, many elderly people ignore the harm of hearing loss and allow it to develop, leading to a series of adverse consequences.

The cause of deafness in the elderly, in addition to the natural aging of the auditory system, is also related to the following factors:
Genetic factors (making the auditory system susceptible to damage);
Atherosclerosis (leading to obstruction of cochlear arterioles);
Excessive intake of saturated fatty acids (aggravating atherosclerosis);
Diabetes (leading to cochlear vascular endothelial hyperplasia and reducing blood supply);
Smoking (aggravating Atherosclerosis);

Noise and ototoxic drugs.

Although aging is a natural law, the age of onset and progression rate of presbycusis vary from person to person. Many centenarians are still hearing and seeing well. So, how to prevent or delay the occurrence of presbycusis? First of all, we should avoid noise stimulation, listen to headphones and watch TV at a lower volume; actively prevent and treat chronic diseases such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia; use ototoxic drugs with caution; control the intake of animal fat and offal, and eat more foods rich in vitamin C and Foods rich in vitamin E can help eliminate disease-causing free radicals; quit smoking and drinking; if you find hearing loss, go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.