What is it like to have good hearing?

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In nature, dolphins have always been known for their keen hearing. Through ultrasonic pulses, they can explore the unknown ahead, talk to each other and even express emotions. It can be called a "natural sonar" with quite complete functions.

What is it like to have good hearing?

I think the advantage of having good hearing is that when listening to songs, I can clearly detect the use of some drum beats or other small sounds. This is quite refreshing because I prefer music. When you are in nature, you can hear the sounds of various birds and water flow, which feels good.

You can hear a pin drop, and you still can’t sleep well at night. It’s easy to be fooled by someone around you, or someone. Turning over disturbs hearing, of course, but it is also very painful, because sometimes it affects our sleep, but on the other hand, it is also beneficial. It will help your hearing or your grades during exams. .

Being a good listener is almost like being a clairvoyant. It feels like one’s own super power. You can easily hear when others are whispering, but sometimes it’s a little embarrassing and you feel like you’re not a good listener. I heard things I shouldn't have heard, but mostly I still feel that this is a good specialty. I can hear other people talking from far away without any effort.

Some people always complain that the surroundings are so noisy that they can’t stand it anymore. They even dare not go out because of the noise. This is actually abnormal sensitivity to sound, which is clinically called “hyperacusis”.

What is hyperacusis?

Hyperacusis refers to an abnormal tolerance to normal environmental sounds or a persistent exaggerated or inappropriate response to sounds that ordinary people do not feel any harm or discomfort. There is currently no accepted standard name for hyperacusis. Perlman first proposed hyperacusis in 1938.

In 2017, Liu Peng and others proposed the Chinese name "Sound Sensitivity". Among them, "sound" refers to the objective external environmental sound, and "sensitivity" refers to the discomfort response of the human body, that is, external sounds that normal people can accept, but for patients, they are abnormally sensitive and produce uncomfortable reactions.

What is it like to have hyperacusis?

The typical symptoms of patients with hyperacusis are earache, dizziness, nausea, etc. to the sounds in daily life, and emotional reactions such as irritability, irritation, and panic.

The intensity and frequency of sounds that cause discomfort vary widely, ranging from electrical noise to tiny sounds, such as music, talking and laughter, machine sounds, and paper tearing sounds. Their reactions Depends purely on the physical characteristics of the sound.

In addition, patients will intentionally avoid participating in some social activities that may be in a noisy environment. In severe cases, they will also avoid contact with all sounds in life.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                When hearing the sound of a child crying in the distance, a normal person may not take it seriously, but for patients who are “ allergic ” to this sound He may feel that a sharp instrument is pricking his ears, and may experience negative emotions such as irritability, anxiety, nervousness, etc., and may even cover his ears and run away.

If you find that you are abnormally sensitive to normal sounds and feel uncomfortable, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for medical treatment as soon as possible. The doctor will provide symptomatic treatment from psychological, physiological and other aspects according to the specific situation to get out of the predicament as soon as possible.